Simple Seasonal Holiday Meal Plan

Simple Local goodness

Inspired by what is seasonally available here on farm, meals my family loves, and the warm spices and flavors of the holidays. I hope you enjoy these fresh Pastured Recipes form our farm to your table.

This collection of holiday recipes is perfect for bringing a dish to share, or preparing a whole meal to nourish the ones you love.

This totally free printable menu includes: 6 Course Meal, 2 Desserts + 5 Bonus refreshing leftover meal ideas!< CLICK HERE.>

If you are already a meat & veggie farm share member, you should have all of these staples already on hand! No need to rush out to the store!

If you are not yet a member, come visit us at the farm store this weekend and get stocked up!

P.S. These recipes are adapted to be gluten and dairy free. <Wahoo!! Let me see the goods CLICK HERE>

P.S.S. Lard is my main butter substitute and it is FABULOUS!!

if you have not yet had the pleasure of cooking with this Vitamin D flavor bomb get down to the farm store and let me hook you up with your new kitchen BFF!

Its my savory secret weapon in my baked goods, as well as a beautiful option for sautéing veggies and meats. It is truly a joy to work with.

It makes flaky, delicate, melt in your mouth pie crusts & hand pies.

without any of the stress of tearing or overworking the dough. It is SO SO easy! There is a reason our grandmothers loved its virtues.

I know that leftovers are a dirty word in some houses, and usually by day 2 of leftovers my kids & husband are bored

That’s why it’s not only a Menu for the Holiday itself, but delicious refreshing takes on leftovers that make you excited to keep eating!

Zero waste, no matter how picky your eaters are!

It will make you feel great, and so simple you won’t be spending hours in the kitchen afterwards. You’ve already done all the hard work these are simple to through together!

<YES Please! Give me the leftover hacks! CLICK HERE!>

Wishing your family a beautiful holiday surrounded with loved ones, good food, new memories and Joy.

Love from the Farm,

John+ Mary, and our 6 mini farmers.