Pasture-Raised Pie Dough (ALL LARD BABY)

This is a whooper of recipe.

This is my most secret treasure of a recipe, I developed myself for hand pies to sell in our farm store!

Because I love ya, this Christmas its yours!

This is a no fuss, no stress, no pulling you hair out, no tears, easy as can be recipe. It has never once failed me.

I dare say it may be the easiest pie roll out you’ve ever had. Trust me, this is a game changer for baking.

What’s better save the butter for your biscuits, cause baby butter isn’t better for this one.

Run out to the farm store this weekend to get your hands on it before it’s gone!
We won't have new lard until next fall y’all!

Pasture-Raised Pie Dough (ALL LARD BABY)

Pasture-Raised Pie Dough (ALL LARD BABY)

Author Mary Pedersen
Prep time
25 Min
Cook time
25 Min
Total time
50 Min
This is seriously the most forgiving pie dough you will ever work with. No need to stress about chilling bowls and utensils. Sorry butter, but lard is betta.


  • 450 grams of organic AP flour
  • .5 TBS Organic Sugar
  • .5 TBS Sea Salt
  • 236 grams of Grass-fed lard
  • .75 C Ice Cold Water
  • .5TBS Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Makes 1 crust, double if you are making a double crusted pie!


  1. Combine thoroughly flour, sugar, and salt in a large bowl.
  2. Incorporate fat, using a pastry blender or fork, start working the fat into the flour. It will resemble clumpy Kraft parmesan cheese, STOP once you achieve this, you don't want to over work the dough.
  3. Slowly add in the ice water and vinegar.
  4. Using your hands, start folding the dry ingredients towards the center of the bowl and push down with hard pressure.
  5. Rotate the bowl slightly and repeat step 4. This gentle folding will hydrate the dough without overworking it.
  6. Continue steps 4 & 5 until no moisture remains.
  7. Turn dough out onto plastic wrap, form into a disk shape, wrap and refrigerate.
  8. Allow to rest and chill for at least 1 hour, preferably 8. You can also freeze at this stage.
  9. When ready to roll out, simply place disk on a floured surface and start rolling.
  10. With each roll, flip over and rotate by a quarter turn, flour as needed. This will ensure a nice round roll out.
  11. Lay your beautiful and easy pie crust into pie pan, trim excess off, I like to leave one inch over hang for crimping. Crimp your crust into your favorite design.
  12. If recipe calls for a blind bake follow steps 13-16, if not skip ahead to step 17!
  13. Poke 3 steam holes with a fork in bottom of pie crust. Place pie pan and crust in the freezer for 15min. Preheat oven to 400F.
  14. Remove from freezer, cover entire crust with tin foil, add pie weights bake for 25 min.
  15. *Special tip 1: If your pie filling is extra juicy, beat an egg and brush over entire pie crust. As it blind bakes it will create a barrier, so won't have a soggy bottom pie!
  16. Allow to cool, as soon as you handle the pie weight to remove them, now you can fill your pie.
  17. Fill your pie 3/4 full with filling of choice.
  18. Follow your pie instructions for baking time and temperature.
  19. *Special tip 2: beat an egg and brush it over crust to create a beautiful browning.