gut Instincts, why a full diet farm.

Did you know?

Your body contains roughly equal amounts of microbes and bacteria as it does human cells, and the majority live in our gut.(1)

Let that soak in, you are half yourself and half a diverse community.

Your body’s in a complex and beautiful dance with its microbial partners.

According to the University of Utah, microbiome imbalances cause the following:

Acne, Athsma/Allergies, Autism, Autoimmune diseases, Cancer, Dental Cavities, Depression & Anxiety, Diabetes, Eczema, Gastric Ulcers, Hardening of the arteries, Inflammatory Bowel disease, Malnutrition and Obesity.

They also state that “subtle imbalance can cause disease, and restoring balance may lead to cures.” (2)

That last line is the bright candle of hope, restoring balance, we can do that with clean foods.

Did you Know?

Organic growing allows for naturally derived pesticides, herbicides & fungicides?

How do I know? I worked on a certified organic farm, and was regularly asked to strap on a spray tank full Pyrethrin a naturally derived neurotoxin, bee killing pesticide and sprayed our fields of “certified organic produce”.

Did you know?

NON-GMO crops have the highest levels of Glyphosate a herbicide & antibiotic, used to rapidly dry oats, beans, corn, wheat, and other grains for harvest.

Animals given non-GMO feed ingest the herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides sprayed on their feed.

Why that matters to you,

When you, your kids, your dog, your spouse, and your aging parents eat foods with traces of Pesticides, Herbicides, Fungicides, Antibiotics, Hormones…

Each time you eat these foods it disrupts & kills off your good microbes that regulate your gut.

Leaving you vulnerable to the diseases listed above.

It has taken years to understand the gravity of my own food choices.

We have 3 small kids, and I am constantly seeing bowel movements… I see in real time what’s creating happy tummies and disruption.

You may be wondering,

What does this have to do with a Full Diet Farm?

Our dream has always been a full diet farm.

John loves shepherding animals, I love compost under my fingernails.

We wanted more integrity than our food system was offering.

A farm where our neighbors could grab anything from our shelves, feel good from the inside out, literally.

Industrial Organic practices, non-GMO feeds and abundance of Soy for animals, was just sustaining the current food system and health crisis.

We wanted better, better for our family and yours.

We require Nutrient Dense clean foods for wellbeing.

Research shows subtle microbiome imbalances bear consequences.

When they thrive we thrive, a Full Diet Farm Share, supports you fully.

- Full Flavor -

“Happy foods are yummy foods”,

Animals grown with dignity and welfare taste better, have higher levels of nutrients, and aren’t stressed.

We carefully select what we grow on farm, so that they thrive, taste amazing and are nutrient dense.

- Full of Diversity -

Our bodies absorb nutrients and vitamins at the best rates when they are in a readily recognizable form, ie foods.

Lab created vitamins are not how your body was created to get its sustenance, besides they are chalky and no fun.

Our vegetables and diverse proteins provides you a bounty of enjoyable nutrient dense meals, you’ll never get bored!

- Full Transparency -

Everything is grown with the same level of integrity. No shortcuts.

Eating this way feels good mind, body and soul.

Connecting you to the source every time you eat.

- Our Full Support -

We eat what we grow, we can help get you started.

You have to prepare it, but you don’t have to do it alone.

- Full circle -

One of the most beautiful aspects, the wastes of one become the resources of another.

It is good for the land, the animals, and the vegetables that we grow.

>>Love your Body. Join our Farm Share. CLICK HERE.<<


