10 Transformations our Farm Share Members Experience.

When asked, these are the transformations they see in their daily lives.

Our members are real down to earth people, just like you and me.

They wanted more for themselves and more from their food.

Check out what our community has to say.

1) “Aging Gracefully & Strong”

We all age, it’s ‘how’ we age that matters. Junk in Junk out.

Our body’s only as strong & capable to repair itself, as the quality of nutrients its given.

We pay with our quality of life as we age.

Synthetic lab created vitamins aren’t the solution.

Our bodies are designed to obtain all we need from our food.

Full Diet Farm Share provides naturally occurring vitamins and nutrients from REAL WHOLE FOODS, in digestible forms we need to thrive and repair.

2) “Feel Cleaner, Healthier, lighter and glowing”

When we asked our members why they choose to eat with us all year, this is what we heard.

Transformation starts in the gut and radiates out.

Your body is grateful for clean fresh foods that it knows how to use.

Eating seasonally provides nutrient dense foods all year long.

Keeping you feeling good in every season.

3.)”Mindset Shift, Pay now or pay later”

For a multitude of Americans our health and healthcare is in shambles.

We pay for sickness insurance & purchase foods that make us sick.

When we could be paying for healthy foods that keep us well, thriving and enjoying the time we have.

Spoiler alert the same companies that profit from making you sick also profit from making you well. (AKA Industrial Pharma & Agricultural)

4.) “Spending More quality time”

Whether its with your spouse, kids or yourself, it fosters connection.

Creating space to slow down and reconnect, with our bodies and those around us.

Many spouses are setting aside time to prepare meals, learning new kitchen skills, and finding time to unwind together.

5.)”Small victories create big wins”

Regularly cooking creates a healthy habit, builds skills & your self-esteem.

When you introduce new foods and have a positive experience, it creates a positive feedback loop.

This is especially true for picky eaters, I hear all the time how kids and hubby gladly convert to spinach lovers with a delicious new experience.

6.) “Permission to be Playful”

When you let go of your fear of failing, screwing up and not being perfect, it opens the door to play.

Cooking is fun, when you allow yourself the freedom to fail.

Think of all the fun you could discover right in your own kitchen.

7.) “building Confidence in my Kitchen”

Confidence is built when you succeed repeatedly.

Every time you make a meal, it’s a personal victory, building your confidence in the habit.

Our members text photos showing how proud and delicious their meal was. It makes me so proud of them.

8.) “Authentic connection with your Farmers & Farm.

We are transparent, it builds trust over time.

The Farm Share model gives you connection and resources that are more than transactional, they are relational.

When you see the face of the farmer, or walk the farm it creates a deep sense of connection to the source.

9.) '“Feeling Supported”

You have to cook it yourself, but you don’t have to do it alone.

Full access to your farmer at pickup, engage with fellow members, ask questions and get plugged in.

Our Farm Share welcome packet & Blog set you up for success.

10.) “Supporting Positive Impact in a Local way”

Firstly, you are making the largest positive impact in your household, and those you care for including yourself.

Secondly, you are reshaping local watersheds, farmland and economy.